STATEMENT: President Biden Must Keep His Promise to Young People and Cancel Student Debt Now


March 11, 2022


Carmel Pryor

WASHINGTON — Even as the Department of Education identified more than 100,000 borrowers who are eligible for student debt cancellation and hints appear that the student loan pause may be extended beyond May, it is still very clear to young voters that President Biden has yet to deliver on his promise on student loan forgiveness.

While the continued student loan pause extension is welcome—it is simply not enough nor what young people voted for in 2020. We are in a massive student debt crisis. $1.7 trillion of student debt is owed by 44 million people across the United States with Black families, and Black women in particular, being disproportionately affected. This student debt crisis is especially hurting young people who have been through two economic crises in their lives and are now stunted by rising housing prices, low wages, and recessions. And the damage reaches far beyond the young debt holders. Student debt affects our families, our loved ones, and our larger communities. It limits our ability to fulfill the dreams promised to us as children, that if we went to college and worked hard we could build a successful future.  

The national poll we conducted in January showed that the majority of young people —62%—support some form of student loan debt forgiveness,” said Dakota Hall, Executive Director of Alliance for Youth Action. “President Biden promised to deliver relief through debt cancellation and it is time for him to follow through. The invoice on his campaign promise is past due and is heading to collections. Young people want, and deserve, a big, bold policy agenda that includes canceling student debt. President Biden can use his executive power today to take action right now to deliver for the people.”

If you are interested in speaking with Executive Director Dakota Hall about the organization’s Dreams Not Debt campaign please reach out to


The Alliance for Youth Action grows progressive people power across America by empowering local young people’s organizations to strengthen our democracy, fix our economy, and correct injustices through on-the-ground organizing.