Alliance for Youth Action Announces $1M Persuasion Mail Program

August 31, 2020
Carmel Pryor

WASHINGTON — The Alliance for Youth Action (The Alliance) is announcing the launch of a $1 million, four-piece persuasion and mobilization mail program in three swing states focused on the Presidential contest.

The Alliance will target nearly 700,000 registered 18-25 year olds in Georgia, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. These voters are registered as Democrats, or are unaffiliated voters, with TargetSmart partisanship scores of 40 or higher, who have TargetSmart turnout scores between 40 and 90 or who have registered to vote in 2020.

“For three months in a row, we have seen that 40% of persuadable young voters in these states have not been contacted by the Biden campaign. This is unacceptable. We also know that one of the reasons young people often don’t vote is because they feel like they don’t have enough information on the candidates. This program is our attempt to ensure they can make an informed decision when voting for President in the fall, “ said Dawn Boudwin, Deputy Executive Director of Network Strategy at the Alliance.

The first mail piece, which is set to hit homes the week of August 31, can be viewed here. It builds off polling done by the Alliance and Civiqs that shows 43% of Gen Zers list coronavirus or affordable healthcare as the most important issues to them as they decide who to cast their ballot for this November.

The Alliance is a nationwide network of organizations building the progressive political power of young people across the United States. We are committed to motivating and mobilizing young voters to defeat Trump, and we are committed to continuing the fight for a bold vision for the future beyond Election Day. We do not endorse candidates. Instead, we push candidates to champion the issues young people care about, educate young people on the stances candidates take on those issues and make it clear that candidates must fight for young people’s votes. If elected, we will continue to push Vice President Biden on the issues young people care about most and support a network of youth-led organizations continuing the fight for social change in their communities.


Paid for by Alliance for Youth Action,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.