Annual Reports
2023 Annual Report
In 2023, the Alliance restructured its governing model to prioritize youth-centered growth. Now, all Network groups directly influence the Alliance’s decision-making, enhancing our capacity building, funding, and donor organizing while reinforcing our commitment to inclusive, collaborative governance.
2022 Annual Report
In 2022, we carried out our work with a vibrant, state-focused lens, and it paid off! We witnessed the power of young people leading the way toward a pro-democracy society, demonstrating what’s possible when they are empowered and supported. With progressive wins across the nation the path forward is clear: When young people have support and resources, we all win.
2021 Annual Report
In 2021, we saw a year full of local-level victories and tremendous internal growth. Alliance Network organizations engaged their communities ahead of important municipal elections as we deepened capacity building through new leadership development, cohort collaboration, and team expansion.
2020 Annual Report
While we always knew that 2020 would be challenging, we never could have imagined all that our network would hold as they rose up to meet the moment and move our country forward. The resiliency, innovation, hustle, and joy that young organizers summoned made 2020 one for the history books.
2019 Annual Report
There’s no such thing as an “off-year” when building political power for young people. 2019 was a year full of winning issue advocacy, powerful electoral engagement, and getting ready for the biggest election year of our lifetimes.
2018 Annual Report
We must build our collective power not only during election cycles, but year-round. In 2018, we grew our campaigns and movements, built strong organizations, and won power for young people every single day.
2017 Annual Report
The Alliance for Youth Action did not release an annual report in 2017
2016 Annual Report
In 2016, we were still the “Bus Federation” but our mission was the same. We organized our generation because this nation must move forward, and our democracy must survive and thrive. This is why we vote. This is why we build. This is why we fight.
Poll: Young Battleground State Voters on Elections, Issues, and Voting
Survey in Battleground States | August 2022
In collaboration with Civiqs, surveyed young voters ages 17 – 39 in in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin from across the political spectrum. This survey looks at the top policy priorities and issues driving Gen-Z and Millennial voters to the polls this November, their feelings about politicians and government institutions, and their opinions about the 2022 midterms. See the topline results here.

Poll: Young People on the State of the Nation
National Survey | January 2022
Our sister organization, Alliance for Youth Organizing, in collaboration with Civiqs, surveyed young voters ages 17 – 39 nationwide from across the political spectrum. We asked how they feel about the country’s future, what policies the Biden Administration should prioritize, how they plan to engage this year leading up to the midterm election, and more. See the full poll results here.

Poll: Progressive Young Voters in Battleground States
Survey in Battleground States | Monthly Tracking Poll June — Post-Election 2020
These are the results from a monthly polling series the Alliance conducted of young progressive voters, aged 18-39, in battleground states ahead of and immediately following the 2020 General Election. Our poll surveys how young voters view Vice President Biden, their concerns during the Coronavirus, campaign contact rates, and more. See the topline results here.

Poll: Young People are Issues-First Voters
National Survey | January 2020
According to our poll with HIT Strategies of registered and non-registered voters, ages 17-35, young voters are very likely to vote in their state’s presidential primary, but have yet to be wooed by any single Democratic presidential candidate — making young voters the key swing vote in this primary contest.

Poll: Young Voters Prioritize Bold Policy Change Over Defeating Donald Trump in 2020
National Survey | May 2019
Results from a recent TargetSmart/Civiqs poll of 1,912 Democratic primary voters aged 18-34 in all fifty states and the District of Columbia show that young voters are highly engaged in the political process and enthusiastic about the Democratic presidential primaries. The survey, conducted from May 16-22, 2019 is the largest of its kind focused exclusively on the attitudes and perspectives of likely Democratic millennial and generation Z voters heading into the 2020 primary election. See the full memo here.