(Voter registration number has been updated)
This week, we celebrated one of our largest National Voter Registration Days (NVRD) ever! Organizations from the Alliance network registered 5,897 people to vote! In addition to registering the hell out of young people, our network also reached 1.2 million people online. But the real magic happens in the field. Check out some of our favorite moments from Alliance organizations registering young voters and celebrating National Voter Registration Day by heading to our Instagram NVRD Highlight!
Also on NVRD, MTV announced the recipients of their Leaders for Change grant program and four of the awardees are from the Alliance network! Check out MTV’s video highlighting MOVE Texas and Chicago Votes.
We love this holiday because for one day a year, thousands of partners across the country join us in doing what our network does every day, register people to vote. And on the day after NVRD, we are right back in the field registering, mobilizing, and empowering young people because we fight 365 days a year to ensure young people have a voice at the ballot box.
Cheers, to another successful National Voter Registration Day and to building young people’s political power.
*The organizations in our network that registered voters on National Voter Registration Day include Engage Miami, Forward Montana, Georgia Shift, MOVE Texas, Minnesota Youth Collective, Next Up, New Era Colorado, Pennsylvania Student Power Network, Poder in Action, Virginia Student Power, Washington Bus, and more!